

  • Please provide at least a 24 hour notice if you have to reschedule or cancel your appointment.

  • Cancelling or rescheduling without required notice will result in a fee 50% of your scheduled appointment plus a $10 cancellation fee. This also applies to no-call-no-shows.

Lash fill policy

  • Please book the correct fill option so sufficient time is allocated to your appointment.

  • If you book for the wrong fill, you may leave with only semi completed sets, or be charged the amount for the time slot that is actually needed.

Mini fill (no more than 8 days since your last fill)

  • Only applicable if your last fill was a week ago.

  • Perfect for when you need a quick touch up for a special event.

Regular fill (2-3 weeks)

  • You must have at least 40% of lashes remaining.

  • No more than 3 weeks since your last fill.

Extended fill (3-4 weeks)

  • Must have at least 30% of lashes remaining and no more than 4 weeks since your last appointment, anything less would be considered a full set.

Early/late policy

  • Please arrive to your appointment on time.

  • If you arrive early, please wait in your car until your allocated slot as I may be attending to another client, preparing for your appointment or tending to personal matters. Feel free to send me a message if you arrive early, I may be able to start early if I am ready.

  • If you arrive late, time will come out of your allocation which may result in less lash coverage.

  • Please notify me if you will be running late.

  • In the event that you are more than 15 minutes late and fail to notify me, your appointment will be treated as a no-call-no-show and will be cancelled and charged a no show fee.

Guest policy

  • No children or guests are permitted in the lash studio.

How to prepare for your appointment

  • Please come to your appointment with clean lashes and no makeup around the eye area, this includes foundation and concealer. Lash extensions won’t adhere properly to makeup or residue build up. Extra time spent cleaning your lashes means less lash coverage.

  • Do not consume caffeine before your appointment as it will make your eyes jittery.

  • Wear comfy clothes as you may be laying down for long periods of time.